German team boosts Saudi trade links


Germany is keen to boost its trade links with Saudi Arabia

Germany is keen to boost its trade links with Saudi Arabia, visiting Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit said on Sunday.

He is currently in the Kingdom, leading a 30-member high-level delegation.

Addressing businessmen at a luncheon hosted by the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI), Wowereit said: “In the light of the recent developments in the region, we are happy to have this open and constructive dialogue with our Saudi partners to deepen the bilateral relations between the two countries.”

His statement came in response to the opening remarks of RCCI Chairman Abdul Rahman Al-Jeraisy who welcomed Wowereit and his delegation.

Wowereit appreciated Saudi Arabia’s progressive efforts in grooming national talent.

He pointed out that Berlin’s exports to the Kingdom had risen 600 percent from 41 million euros to 265 million euros during the past 10 years.

“It is a mark of your country’s confidence in Berlin,” the mayor added.

Berlin’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Riyadh-based German-Saudi Arabian Liaison Office for Economic Affairs (GESALO) had organized the trade visit in cooperation with the RCCI.

The RCCI signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Sunday with Berlin’s chamber to boost trade, industrial and economic relations.

Addressing a press conference later, the mayor voiced hope for peace and stability in the region.

The mayor also held talks with Riyadh Gov. Prince Salman, aside from his Riyadh counterpart Prince Abdulaziz Al-Ayyaf and Health Minister Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah.

They reviewed the bilateral relations during the meetings.

Source : Arab News, 28 February 2011