AHK Egypt hosted the Morgenrunde (morning round table) for October. The session started with an economic update by Alexis Below, German Economic Counsellor, German Embassy Cairo, followed by Sherif El Saadani, Partner at Amereller Legal Consultant who shared with our members the latest legal updates.
Guest speaker was Shoroke H. Zedan, CEO & Managing Director, Ta'heal Egypt.
Zedane introduced our members to the activities and strategies executed by Taheal Nahdet Misr. The company follows a fully integrated approach to excellence with the aim of supporting the technical and vocational systems in Egypt, with both national and international certifications.
We would like to thank our speakers for sharing their insights and, most importantly, our members who attended.
For more information about our upcoming Morgninground, please contact: jala.hussein(at)ahk-mena.com