Modules - Events, Forms & Co

Whether Events, News, Contacts, Survey or Register of Members - Modules and Plug-ins combine information and play them out on the pages.

© Fotolia/M.Dörr & M.Frommherz

A module denotes a part of the TYPO3 backend, with which specific tasks can be carried out.

Similarities of all modules

Modules are comprised of two elements:

On the one hand, of the dataset, which can be found in the respective module under "Pool Contents" in the backend.

On the other hand, a module also needs a plug-in on the respective subpage. The plug-in "drags", so to say, the information from the pool contents.

Modules only function, therefore, in interaction with a data set and plug-in.

For this reason, it’s also not necessary to move the modules under 'Pool contents' to another location in the backend. It’s important that the modules remain where they are to guarantee well-functioning support.

As modules were configured for your website, it’s not possible to reproduce this yourself when you would like to. There could be the risk that after an update, the output in the frontend will not function without problems.

If you need more copies, please contact us.

There are the following modules in the AHK TYPO3 System:


The event module depicts the life circle of all your events - Teaser on the homepage, overview of a list, search functions via a filter, a detail page with different display options relating to your event – together with a review that offers options for an image gallery.

Your can find more information about the Event modulehere

Powermail forms

With the Powermail module you can create forms quickly and easily. Here's more about the Powermail forms module.


 Bndeln Sie Ihre Nachrichten wie Pressemitteilungen, Berichte, GTAI-Nachrichten etc. an einem Platz. Wie das geht, zeigen wir Ihnen im News-Modul


Members and companies directory (FMP)


Einfache Umfragen lassen sich gut erstellen mit dem Umfrage-Modul.

Special home page view: Pinboard

Especially for AHKs who have a manageable number of events and news, the alternative view of the wall can be very well suited.

See here how the installation of the pinboard plug-in .

Login (Frontend-User)