
Professional email marketing systems are sometimes one of the most important tools in communicating with members and customers. We provide you with a discounted network solution.

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Email dispatch with CleverReach

For the joint network solution DIHK has set up a so-called agency account for AHKs with the German email marketing software supplier CleverReach©, and also helps in setting up the account.

In this way, both the administration of the dispatch lists, forms and emails as well as the associated reporting are professionalised.

Participation in this agency solution is voluntary and free-of-charge. AHKs only pay for the actual mail dispatch. Due to the collective solution, AHKs receive up to 20 per cent discount on the email dispatch.

You can find information here about the different pricing models.

If you submit the website, we provide you with an AHK-Template with individually designed icons, free-of-charge.

Frequently asked questions

How do I get to an account in the agency option?

Please make contact with Julia Fellinger about this. In addition to account information you will also receive the AHK template and the necessary forms implemented directly into your website as well as an introductory video for a quick start with this tool.

How can I integrate a registration form in my website?

Forms are initially linked to a list, which may not then be altered or deleted. The source code is shown straightaway in CleverReach. CPS-IT puts this source code as iFrame on your website.

At the start we compile a general registration form for you in your languages and then integrate these directly into your website.


How is CleverReach paid?

Payment is made to CleverReach (as also with other suppliers) only by credit card.

Who can I contact with support questions?

Please try first of all to get an answer to your questions on the Support-Seite von CleverReach. If you still have any questions, Julia Fellinger of DIHK will help you further.

What must I pay attention to in the data privacy statement?

The use of newsletter systems must be listed in the data privacy statements. See also the relevant passage in the Sample Data Privacy Statement about this.

Below the registration form you should also comply with your information obligations by providing a document.

When is the best dispatch time for Newsletter?

When sending newsletters there is a difference between B2B and B2C customers.

In the case of B2B customers, according to surveys, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best weekdays for sending the newsletter. As a general rule the times 8 & 8 apply: 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

B2C (for example, in the case of Social Events) can also receive emails at the weekend (Sundays) or in the evenings.

Please always note the cultural conventions in your host country when dispatching.


Alternative Newsletter Programmes

Apart from CleverReach the following other newsletter tools are also used in the AHK network: