Home page header
Creating a microsite is easy - especially if you've already gained experience in maintaining the main system. The big difference is basically the different header variants. Therefore, this tutorial is limited to this.
Settings of the different header options in the microsite system
Make settings in the page properties
Set name and counter/date
More setting options
The main part of the settings you make in the tab "Appearance". Just try out a little bit here!
You can choose from different "Themes", assign colors and label and link the buttons that appear in the frontend. Under "Layout of Hero-Section" you can choose if a date or counter should appear. If you do not want this, set "minimal".
Upload logo(s) and background image
You already know this from the main system - under "Resources" you upload the background image and the logo. Please make sure to always set a logo without text for the mobile view here as well. As in the main system, you then make the respective selection "Header image", "Header logo" or "Header logo mobile".
Social-Media Icons
Under the "Social Media" tab, you can set your social media channels as usual.
And what happens next?
You proceed in the new microsites system just as you do on the rest of the main pages. You can create pages and have the choice of regular custom elements. Also the creation of news, events and contacts is available.
Embed logos into the microsite
The installation of your logos in the microsite system is done in the backend on your start page in the page properties in the tab "Resources".
If you do not have the possibility to edit your logos - you can send them to CPS-IT support for editing. It is important here that the logos must be sent as a vector file (eps, svg and ai), otherwise no optimal processing can take place.
Upload the logos in the backend
Upload logos
Under the tab "Resources" in the area "Media" as well as "Second Logo" you can upload your logos.
You have the possibility to connect two diferent logos, which will appear next to each other in the frontend.
It is important that you always upload three logos - this applies to the connection of both logos:
- Desktop logo as PNG
- Desktop-Logo as SVG
- Mobile logo as SVG without font mark